Anyone who is a pet owner knows that your pets truly are part of your family. My cat Dartanion had been my buddy for close to 16 years. I knew the moment he and I locked eyes at PetSmart that he was the friend I was searching for. His calm and stoic manner and the way his expression seemed to say, "Where have you been?" was all I needed to sign his adoption papers and bring him home.
Dartanion followed me around for most of his life and chirped at me to communicate, which was often. He curled up in my lap whenever I sat down and slept by my head on a designated spot on the pillow. He was an old soul in a cat body, and I envisioned him speaking with a cockney English accent. Even though he was always a little grumpy and very stubborn, he liked to know where I was and would ninja his way into any situation he wasn't initially part of. He traveled the United States with me and my husband after we married, ultimately living in four, and became a guardian and patient companion for my two girls when they were born, and often made his way into their bedrooms when they were afraid or upset.

The final two years of his life were rough. We knew something was wrong, but his health seemed to improve when he started taking medication for hyperthyroidism. This was a rollercoaster, and watching for the signs I needed to know that he was ready to move on became part of our daily routine. Whenever we thought it was time, he'd rally and make a strong comeback for several weeks before dipping again. This cycle was exhausting for all of us. Even though we loved him and didn't want to lose him, we also didn't want him to be in pain and I prayed to know the right thing to do. When he suddenly went blind after a change in his medication dosage, I knew he was finally ready. Of course, my girls took his passing hard, but Dartanion made his presence known to them in different ways. For one, a sticker that looked exactly like him was given to her at school. For the other, a small gray cat eraser at a school book fair was spotted and promptly bought. We also saw lots of rainbows that week, which has always been my sign that everything is and will be okay, and this song (which is my pump-up song when I'm down or nervous) randomly came through a Pandora station that is not its genre and I instantly knew it was from him.
A few weeks later, I began to dream about him several times a week. Many of these were visitation dreams where I saw him and he was healthy, and I was elated to see him in the dream and he was happy to see me. Then these dreams began to shift. In these dreams, I would be taking him to the vet or giving him something to help him feel better since he was sick. He would always go to get treatment and then come back and be healed, leaving me shocked in the dream. The final two dreams I had about him were different.
In the first dream, Dartanion had gone blind and I had taken him to the vet. He walked by himself into the back room while I stayed in the waiting room. When he came back out, he looked visibly younger and could see. I said, "Kitty, you're all better!" He then chirped and ran toward me.
I was driving home on a country road surrounded by trees. I saw Dartanion with several other cats coming out of the woods toward the road. I stopped the car and asked him what he was doing out there and told him it was time to go home.
Soon after, I had another dream where I had picked up a hamster only to realize it was a kitten. In the dream I said, "This is the weirdest looking kitten I've ever seen."
About a week later, one of my friends who is a vet and runs an animal rescue was telling me about new kittens that had been surrendered. She then went on to tell me about one kitten who was four weeks old and had been found shortly after its birth on the side of a road near a wooded area. She said they had no idea what type of kitten it was because "It's the weirdest looking kitten I've ever seen."
OF COURSE, I was shocked and asked to see a picture of the kitten, and yes, he was the strangest little guy I had ever seen. And those of you who have been reading my posts long enough know I do not believe in coincidences. The girls were with me, and even though there were lots of other kittens who I felt they would rather have since they were 1.) girl kittens, 2.) didn't look like a little bat, and 3.) immediately adoptable, they were excited about this little guy. Long story short, I convinced my husband to let us adopt him once he was old enough to come home. The girls lovingly named him Tiger, which suits his personality because he is feisty! Interestingly enough, they slip up and call him Dartanion from time to time and say that Tiger reminds them of him.
I have not dreamed about Dartanion since, and I am now once more being followed around and chirped at...only this time I have to watch out for sneak attacks. :)

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