Crystals for Healing
The vibrational properties each crystals possess and emanates can realign and rebalance the chakras, allowing your energy to flow freely through them.
In order to use crystals for this purpose, you can select crystals that match the color of each chakra or research the properties of certain stones that aid the healing of a specific physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual issue.
It doesn't matter if you lay down and place each stone on its corresponding chakra, carry the stones in your pocket, or keep them near/around you during the day or night - simply being in proximity to their vibrations will bring healing.
The Basic Chakra System
Root/Base Chakra
Protection, physical identity, safety, survival, security, stability, and grounding (connection to Earth)​​
Spinal column, skeletal system, immune system, reproductive system (primarily in men), legs, feet
Adrenal gland
Sacral Chakra
Nurturing, creativity, desire, sensation, movement and change, sexuality
Reproductive system (primarily in women), kidneys, bladder
Reproductive glands
Solar Plexus
Abundance, personal power, personal will, self-confidence, self-esteem ambition, trust
Digestive system
Heart Chakra
Love, compassion, empathy, emotions, relationships, forgiveness, self-love, hope, joy, family
Circulatory system, heart, lungs, diaphragm
Throat Chakra
Communication, personal truth, judgment, criticism, self-expression, honesty
Neck, throat, mouth, ears
Third Eye
Intuition, conscience, ideas, wisdom, spiritual awareness, dreams
Face, eyes, nose, sinuses, brain
Pituitary gland
Crown Chakra
Inspiration, unconditional love, selflessness, enlightenment, connection to the life force
Nervous system, top of the head, brain
Pineal gland