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Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Service (Updated 9/26/20)

Ellen Brock and Kelly Tuck - DreamDetectiveLLC/DBA BringForthTheLight


By scheduling and/or paying for any of our services or communicating with us in any way, you are attesting that you have read this legal disclaimer and agree to our terms of service.


You also attest that you agree with and accept the following:


1. You are 18 years old or older.

2. We do not guarantee 100% accuracy and we do not guarantee that your reading will resonate.

3. Ellen and Kelly believe that the future cannot be predicted. Any future predictions can only be based on conditions as they currently are. Conditions are constantly subject to change, thus the future is constantly subject to change. FREE WILL is ALWAYS in play and affects/changes future outcomes.

4. Any information or communication with Ellen Brock and/or Kelly Tuck is for educational, spiritual and/or entertainment purposes only.

5. No psychic, channeled, divination, or tarot reading given by Ellen Brock and/or Kelly Tuck is intended to take the place of professional services including but not limited to: medical, legal, financial, business, and/or psychological.

6. Ellen Brock and Kelly Tuck accept no liability and/or responsibility for any actions and/or decisions any client chooses to take or make based on his/her sessions/readings with Ellen Brock and/or Kelly Tuck.

7. You agree to absolutely indemnify and hold harmless Ellen Brock and Kelly Tuck, their heirs, relatives, agents, or assignees in perpetuity.

8. Privacy Policy- All sessions are strictly confidential.

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Owned and Operated by Dream Detective LLC DBA Bring Forth the Light
Copyright 2023 Dream Detective LLC DBA Bring Forth the Light
North Carolina, USA

Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Service 

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