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Your crystal bundle includes 3, 5, or 7 crystals of your choice, a hand crocheted pouch, and an intuitive selected affirmation card just for you. Your crystals may be rough or tumbled. 


*New: We have added Rainbow Fluorite and Unakite. See descriptions for each below.



- Amethyst: associated with psychic and intuitive abilities, and spiritual communication

- Apatite: associated with self expression, inspiration, motivation, and creativity.

- Amazonite: associated with self expression, balance, and perspective

- Aquamarine: associated with the emotional body, spiritual awareness, the nervous system.

- Black Tourmaline: associated with protection and stress relief. 

- Blue Kyanite blades: associated with Letting go of old emotions and releasing the past, and with the throat chakra.

- Blue Lace Agate: associated with peace and the throat chakra. 

- Carnelian: associated with security, courage, will power, and determination.

- Citrine: associated with prosperity and creativity. 

- Clear Quartz: associated with memory and psychic ability 

- Lapis Lazuli: associated with communication, integrity and truth, and the third eye chakra, connecting to spiritual wisdom and clairvoyance.

- Moonstone: associated with stress, emotional balance, intuition, and empathy.

- Rainbow Fluorite- associated with balancing chakras and physical, emotional, mental bodies, aids in spiritual awakening and enlightenment, facilitates communication with spiritual team.

- Red Jasper: associated with healthy boundaries and protection, and with the root chakra.

- Rhodonite: associated with emotional balance, grounding, and the heart chakra.

- Rose Quartz: associated with harmony, love, and peace. 

- Selenite: associated with mental clarity, intuition, stress relief, and cleansing

- Tiger's Eye: associated with self confidence and personal power.

- Unakite: associated with emotional balance, helps facilitate restful sleep, increases will power, possibly helps with addictive behaviors.



Each crystal measures between 1/2 to 1 1/2 inch and is intuitively chosen just for you. Selenite Stick measures between 1-2 inches. Your crystals may be rough or tumbled, depending on what we are guided to select for you. The included pouch is 4 inches by 4 1/2 inches. Pouch colors vary.



Your crystal bundle will be shipped to you within 5-7 days of receipt. You will be notified when your order is received and when it has been shipped to you.



Your order is shipped to you via USPS First Class Mail. USPS has information available on their website explaining policies and procedures set in place to deliver packages in a safe and timely manner during the COVID-19 pandemic.



You can purchase a crystal bundle for someone else! Let us know when you order who the recipient is and the address that you would like it sent to. 



Ellen and Kelly 😊

Crystals with Handmade Crocheted Pouch and Affirmation Card

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