*No matter when you listen to this meditation, you will still receive the light code download, energy, and healing.

"Close your eyes and inhale deeply, imagining white light energy landing on your crown chakra. Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your crown chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your third eye chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your third eye chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your throat chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your throat chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your heart chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your heart chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your solar plexus chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your solar plexus chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your sacral chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your sacral chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while allowing this energy to slowly flow to your root chakra.
Feel the warmth of this energy as it swirls around in your root chakra. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may come to you during this time. Allow them to move freely in and out of your conscious mind without judgment or fixating on them. Feel the expansion of this chakra as the white light energy begins to glow brighter. Spend several moments concentrating on your breath while visualizing your entire chakra system glowing and pulsing with white light.
When you are ready, imagine yourself sitting in the center of an egg-shaped ball of bluish-white light. Feel the warmth of this energy as it pulses with love. Feel the rhythmic vibrations that occur in your body in sync with the energy's pulses. You are now very aware of the night sky above you filled with millions of stars that seem to shine in sync with the pulsing energy. A beam of white light shines down from above and lands on your crown chakra, and this light is gently pulled down throughout your chakra system. Feel this energy as it clears, energizes, and revitalizes you. In your mind's eye, you see the light code that is being shared with you through this beam of light. Feel the expansion of your chest as it settles into your heart center. Inhale deeply in acceptance of this light code and the energy it brings you, and exhale fully to release all that no longer supports the heightened frequency this light code will elevate you to.
This message is shared, "As you receive this light code know that a rush of love will fill you, granting you the ability to empathize and nurture more deeply while gaining a deeper appreciation and understanding of the challenges that souls experience through Human Life. Allow this knowing to help you outpour love and light into the world and for the souls that are striving to find their inner light and to be a beacon for those who are maintaining their light. There is no room for judgment as everyone is on their own journey, with both light and shadow, back to the light. Focus on love for yourself and the entirety of humanity, which supports Mother Earth as she and those residing with her ascend."
The light surrounding you is pulled into your heart center which seals the healing within you. Continue to breathe deeply until you are ready to leave the meditation. As you do so, thank the energies of the Universe for sharing love and guidance with you."
With love and gratitude!
Ellen and Kelly