From the Chakra Wisdom Oracle Deck: Creation - I will guide you to your muse.
Taken from Chakra Wisdom Oracle Guidebook:
"Letting go of old ideas and allowing new growth are primary now. The mission you have been on may be complete. A new dawn is coming and it is time to open yourself to divine inspiration. The message here is: "Let go - you no longer need to be the warrior.
Legend: In a time before history, She Shaman walks the earth, bestowing artistic talents on a select few. One day she rests under a birch tree. "Hey!" says Birch. "I want my muse, too!" Birch entertains She Shaman for a long time, singing and telling tales. She Shaman smiles. "My great friend, you have had your art all along." She vows that from then on she will give everyone their own gift. To this day, She Shaman has never left us; we see her inside every creative work.
Inspiration: Your path is an artistic one. Express your love in a tangible art form. It is time to make decisions.
Personal Inquiry: Am I waiting for someone's permission to create my life? What do I need to see in order to claim my own gifts?
Key Ideas: Opening to magic; lasting transformation; divine feminine; awakening creativity; finding your muse; owning your gifts
Keywords: Creativity, muse, magic
Meditation: Open a notebook to a clean page. Close your eyes and imagine She Shaman standing in the mist, holding out her hand. Follow her into the mist. As you walk she motions to sit. Ask for her guidance. Pick up your notebook and write. Simply write whatever comes. Do not censor or judge the words. They may mean nothing right now, but they will. Thank She Shaman for her visit."
*There is no "one size fits all" when it comes to generalized readings. You must analyze the energies present in your own life based on the relationships, situations, struggles, successes, dreams, and fears you are currently dealing with in order to apply this guidance into your daily life this week.